Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thank You, Lord

I went to Pasar malam today. and guess what I found? Kue Putu.
Seneng banget liatnya. Udah lama banget gak makan kue ini.
Langsung beli 4 pcs. and I think being able to eat this cake made me feel so grateful.
Thank you Lord. I know this also part of your plan. I know this also the way you give me reward.
Thank you!

Today I got a message from someone I look up to. He is one of my idol.
and this is what makes me happy today. I'm grateful for that. Thank you so much.

I would like to say thank you for all the money in my purse. I'm able to buy almost all the things I need.I went for shopping just now. Shopping for groceries mostly. and that is enough for now.
In order to buy my dream house, I need to be carefully plan my budget.

also, I would like to say thank you Lord for giving another chance for my sister to open her new shop.She seems so happy talking about it on the phone.
I hope she will be succesfull. And I am very sure this is also part of your plan right Lord?
This is why I love you so much! You always bless me and my family. Thank you so much!

I'm gratefull for the rain today. My room is not so hot now. I love the smell of the rain.
The smell of a cup of hot green tea on my table.
I'm enjoying it sip by sip. Thank you so much.

Thank you Lord for giving me chance to enjoy living this beautiful life. To enjoy your creation.
The sky today looks so great. I was really enjoying my walk.

I also feel so gratefull to have such a wonderful boyfriend. He is so caring.
yes, he is stuborn once in a while but hey, I got flaws too.
Thank you for letting him be in my life for many many years to come. Please give him more Luck.
I love to see his smile when he won. That's makes me hapy. He is a nice guy, I know you won't let him down, right Lord?
I know you won't. I trust You.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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