Friday, November 28, 2014

God is great!

Went up there yesterday. The car was in high temperature and need to cool it down a bit.But when we stopped somebody stopped to check out our car. I was so scared. maybe I was too overeacted.
The guy seem a nice guy. I know I should not have been worried. I should keep my faith that God is protecting us whenever we go.
Thankfully the car was ok.

I am so thankful that we won yesterday. It was a great game. win lose win lose, but finally we won. yeay! I know You won't let me down. I know it was you, God.
You are soooo great. Thank you so much!

and one more thing, being able to wake up in the morning beside my loved one was so great.

Thank you so much my dear Lord.

Ah one more thing, I was so happy to hear that my sister shop is doing well.
Thank you Lord for helping her in your own way.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

thank you so much!

Today I woke up beside my loved one. He is now still asleep. Seeing him asleep soundly, it makes me realize how blessed I am to have such a nice man. He is so caring and understanding.
He always be there when I need him. Love him so so much.
Thank you God for sending him to me.

I am so happy to hear that my sister's shop is growing rapidly. I know she can handle it very well.
I would like to say thank you for giving my sister such a nice husband and beautiful and healthy kids.

Not forgetting my brothers. Thank you Lord for always blessing them. for always protecting them.

I'm grateful for the winning today. I always imagining I have so much money to buy anything that my family needs.
I know God will let me become a blessing to my family. become a blessing to so many people.

thank you Lord so much!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thank you God


Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord for the fresh air that I breath. For the smell of my coffee. I am enjoying it every sip.
For the heartful breakfast. I cooked red rice today. I heard it's good for the body than white rice.

Thank you for thje job that I have. I love my family.I love my job. I love my friends.
I'm thankful for them.

Also I'm thankful for more abundance that coming to me.
I want to share it with my family. with my friends and with those who in needs.
People say that money can buy happiness. Yes it's true but with money, I can help many people who in needs. by looking at their face when I hand over the money to them, I know they were so happy.
And that's make me happy too.
Therefore, I'm so thankful for the money I already received in the past, all the money that are in my purse and all the money that are coming to me.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

God, I can't Thank you enough !

Thank You, Lord

I went to Pasar malam today. and guess what I found? Kue Putu.
Seneng banget liatnya. Udah lama banget gak makan kue ini.
Langsung beli 4 pcs. and I think being able to eat this cake made me feel so grateful.
Thank you Lord. I know this also part of your plan. I know this also the way you give me reward.
Thank you!

Today I got a message from someone I look up to. He is one of my idol.
and this is what makes me happy today. I'm grateful for that. Thank you so much.

I would like to say thank you for all the money in my purse. I'm able to buy almost all the things I need.I went for shopping just now. Shopping for groceries mostly. and that is enough for now.
In order to buy my dream house, I need to be carefully plan my budget.

also, I would like to say thank you Lord for giving another chance for my sister to open her new shop.She seems so happy talking about it on the phone.
I hope she will be succesfull. And I am very sure this is also part of your plan right Lord?
This is why I love you so much! You always bless me and my family. Thank you so much!

I'm gratefull for the rain today. My room is not so hot now. I love the smell of the rain.
The smell of a cup of hot green tea on my table.
I'm enjoying it sip by sip. Thank you so much.

Thank you Lord for giving me chance to enjoy living this beautiful life. To enjoy your creation.
The sky today looks so great. I was really enjoying my walk.

I also feel so gratefull to have such a wonderful boyfriend. He is so caring.
yes, he is stuborn once in a while but hey, I got flaws too.
Thank you for letting him be in my life for many many years to come. Please give him more Luck.
I love to see his smile when he won. That's makes me hapy. He is a nice guy, I know you won't let him down, right Lord?
I know you won't. I trust You.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I'm so happy and grateful for..

Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving me another day to live. The fresh air that I breath. The smell of my coffee fresh brewed. Thank you for my health and also my families. Thank you for letting him win the other dya. He looked so happy. I know You won't let us down. Thank you so much Lord.
Also, Thank you for letting my brother's boss to keep his word to share 50% of company's profit.
The boss promised my brother but all of sudden he doesn't want to keep it.
But if that case is your way to lead my brother to greater succsess, let it be your way.
I know You will not harm your own son, right?
God, I trust You to do your way.

I am thankfull for my sister's shop that growing rapidly. The children are healthy and clever.
Please bless them with your blessings.

I am thankfull for my job. my colleguess that fun and respecfull.
my boss that always support me.
Thank you for a great raise and bonusses.

Thank you for the house for my family

Friday, November 21, 2014

Rain.. Always brings back memories

Cold day in the office.
Raining outside. Bau tanah yang diguyur hujan sangat menenagkan jiwa. Gak puas puas nya aku menghirup nya. Ahhh.... segar...
Meningatkan ku pada suasana di kampung halaman.
Inget Ibu dan Bapak.
Ah... apa kabar Ma and Pa?
Semoga Tenang di sisi Nya.
Aku kangen sama Ma & Pa.
Is everything all right there?

Hujan, sudah lama aku tidak bercengkrama dengan mu ya.
waktu kecil dulu, kita selalu bermain bersama. berlari, menyentuh mu,
berlari kesana kemari tanpa rasa takut , gak punya beban...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I want to be a Traveller

Arrgghhhh.... Setelah blog walking, rasanya iri banget ama yang berani ikutin kata hati jadi solo traveller. Pergi keliling dunia. Cewek pula.
Kalo aku, pergi di dalam kota sendiri aja masih empot empotan. Takut bo!

Tapi kayaknya harus di mulai deh ya. mencoba sesuatu yang baru.
Dimulai dari domestik aja tentunya. Ah salary bulan ini harus menyisakan 50 seminggu just for travelling.

Katanya, banyak yang bisa dipetik dari travelling. melatih kesabaran, melihat dunia luar, belajar mengenal diri sendiri. mencooba makanan baru. menghirup udara baru.
Udara kebebasan. Usia pun sudah semakin meningkat. kapan lagi bisa kayak gini coba?
Mumpung belum punya anak. Belum Punya suami.

Ah Tuhan ku yang maha baik. Maafkan hamba Mu ini yang terlalu banyak meminta.
Tapi.. hanya Engkau yang mau mendengarkan keluhan keluhan ku, impian impian ku, keluh kesah ku, curhat curhat yang gak jelas itu, dan juga harapan harapan ku.
karena aku tau, Tuhan tidak akan menertawakan ku. Tidak akan men judge aku.
Jikalau aku boleh membayangkan, mungkin dia cuma tersenyum simpul ketika menjadi pendengar yang baik. Ah Tuhan.. Terimakasih karena selalu beraa di sisiku.
Aku tau Tuhan selalu melindungi ku. Selalu berkati aku.

Terima kasih Tuhan ku yang maha baik.

Thank you Lord. You are great. You are so great!!!

I love Tony Robbins

I am now addicted to Tony Robbins seminars.
I have not been to real seminar just see him on you tube.

It's very uplifting listening to him.
It gives me energy just by listening to him.

I want to change my life for the better.
But sometimes, It is hard to be a positive person all the time.

My life will be great I know that.
But the process is not that easy, I know that.
I just hope God can gime strength to face it.
I dont like my current situation. That's why I have to change it.
I have to get out. I have to get my new routine.

Some people suggest to make a gratitude journal.
To count our blessing each day.
I know I should do that but sometimes it is hard to get into the mood.
Perhaps that is why my life still not going well like I wish it would be.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Romantic Dinner

Just got back from dinner with him.

Terimakasih Tuhan karena sudah menhantar dia kepada ku

The one who always stand by me

Thank you.

I am Thankful for today

Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving me another chance to live.
I got up and still healthy and vibrant, this is all the blessing from You.

I know you made in this world is to be someone that You can be proud of.

I know that only goods is waiting for me.
I know my vision and my dreams is achievable.

I know everybody loves mee.

I see all prefection in front of me.

Thank you God for always protecting me. For all the things that happened in my life.
I become stronger than before.

I know you will bless me with your goodness forever.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Impian bisnis ku.

Aku lagi mengeebu gebu pengen usaha.

1. Pengen punya Toko Baju
    Biarin deh di kridit juga. tapi pengen nya bisa maju.
    pengen buka grosir kalo bisa.
    dengan pendapatan 100 juta rupiah lebih tiap bulan.

2. pengen punya resto / warung makan.
    yang ini mungkin bisa dikerjain ama kakak.
    dengan omset 200 juta lebih sebulan.

3. Pengen punya kontrakan 10 pintu. Akan ku hias semi furnished. uang sewa nya kira kira 2 juta rupiah / bulan.  mungkin buat pegawai yang kerja di sana.

Moga aja gak ada yang ngetawain impian aku ini. because who knows... you might end up working with me. hehehe...

Mudah mudah an Tuhan mengabulkan doa ku.


Terimakasih Tuhan...

First of all, I would like to say thank you Lord for giving me another day to enjoy.
I know great things are happening to me.
only great things.

As you know, aku pengen banget beli rumah. I know deep inside my heart I can achieve it.
You won't let me down, right Lord?

My brother is in need now. And I am not be able to help him this time.
But I'm sure I will find a way to help him.
I am sure You will help me God.
Thank you for always bless me and my family.

My sister business is growing. It's still baby step but is growing rapidly.

My brother business is growing too. He only have problem with his boss.
His boss is not keeping his words.
please bless my brother, God

Thanki you!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Father , have mercy

Deasr Lord,

Maafin aku karena aku selalu mengeluh. Kadang kadang aku gak kuat menahan semua ini di dada.
I know you love me, my dear Lord. Aku tau Kau tidak akan membiarkan aku terjatuh.
I know you will give me bright future. Explosive blessings.

I never want to harm anybody. i have been trying to be a nice person.
Would you give me a chance to be a great sister for my family?

I know that time will come soon. I know you won't let me down.

Thank you for an all explosive blessings coming my wqy soon.

Show me your mercy , Lord..


Izinkan aku mengadu kepadamu. Bertubi tubi cobaan baru datang kepadaku. Apakah ini ujian dari Mu untuk menguatkanku? Kalau memang iya, berikan kekuatan kepadaku untuk bisa melalui nya gracefully.

I know everything happen for a reason. I hope all of tese obstacle is the way for me to be much stronger.

Waktu nerima sms dari kakak ku, again... I can't help anything. I wish I can turn back time.
I wish I can help my brother.

Dear Tuhan... Aku tahu Engkau punya rencana tersendiri buat ku. Engkau tak akan membiarkan aku terus terusan bersedih, bukan?
Aku ingon mengubah semua nya menjadi lebih baik. Keluarga ku, diriku sendiri dan my relationship. Is it too much to ask?

Please God, allow me to change everything to be better.

All will be great.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Aku bisa ...!

Perasaan gak enak banget menunggu besok. bAh, apakah yang akan terjadi besok? apakah akan muncul masalah baru? apakah semuanya akan baik baik aja?
Tuhan... lindungi aku ya Tuhan. Bukakan hati mereka untuk tidak membenci ku dan untuk tidak membully aku. Kaslau memang mereka membenci ku, biarkan itu menjadi urusan mereka.
Ampunkan mereka ya Tuhan. Aku tidak pernah membenci mereka. You have blessed me with a lot of things. Please bless them what you have given me. More if possible. so that they can feel what I feel being blessed.

Aku hanya ingin bekerja buat keluargaku. Aku pengen beli rumah buat mereka dan buat ku. Please help me to make me stronger.
I know all the obstacle is the way you tell me to be stronger.
I know I can survive. They are all good people.

I am blessed. Thank you Lord. You are so great!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Enjoying My life

Many things happened in the last few months. Banyak yang menghianatiku. Suasana kerja yang gak nyaman.
But from now on, aku gak mau mikirin itu semua. Aku percaya Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan aku sendiri. Mulai sekarang, I want to enjoy my life and do new things.

Hrere few lists that I want to venture.

1. I will start my new day with a happy face.

2. I will ignore what others might say. Because I know God will always be with me. He will protect me from all enemies. He is wacthing me. I should not let fear come in to me. I should have more faith. I should trust Him more. Terimakasih Tuhan...karena selalu menjaga ku.

3. Everyday before I go to sleep and after I woke up, I will count my blessings. I dont want to grumbling about my problems anymore.

4. I will try new restaurants every week. I will set my budget only for this. I will take bus or train to enjoy the city. Hopefully I can get to taste alot of coffee.
5. Do good to others

6. Be a great girlfriend to my loved one. Cause I haven"t been a good one lately. Gomen ne oji cyan. korekara wa ii ko naru kara ne!

Moga aja aku bisa jalanin nya. Aku gak mau lagi larut dalam suasana yang gak nyaman itu. Aku tahu semua obstacle itu ditujukan Tuhan buat menguatkan ku. Aku tau aku bisa jalani semua itu Tuhan. karena aku tau Tuhan akan selalu menjaga ku.