Saturday, November 15, 2014

Enjoying My life

Many things happened in the last few months. Banyak yang menghianatiku. Suasana kerja yang gak nyaman.
But from now on, aku gak mau mikirin itu semua. Aku percaya Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan aku sendiri. Mulai sekarang, I want to enjoy my life and do new things.

Hrere few lists that I want to venture.

1. I will start my new day with a happy face.

2. I will ignore what others might say. Because I know God will always be with me. He will protect me from all enemies. He is wacthing me. I should not let fear come in to me. I should have more faith. I should trust Him more. Terimakasih Tuhan...karena selalu menjaga ku.

3. Everyday before I go to sleep and after I woke up, I will count my blessings. I dont want to grumbling about my problems anymore.

4. I will try new restaurants every week. I will set my budget only for this. I will take bus or train to enjoy the city. Hopefully I can get to taste alot of coffee.
5. Do good to others

6. Be a great girlfriend to my loved one. Cause I haven"t been a good one lately. Gomen ne oji cyan. korekara wa ii ko naru kara ne!

Moga aja aku bisa jalanin nya. Aku gak mau lagi larut dalam suasana yang gak nyaman itu. Aku tahu semua obstacle itu ditujukan Tuhan buat menguatkan ku. Aku tau aku bisa jalani semua itu Tuhan. karena aku tau Tuhan akan selalu menjaga ku.

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